complaintUSA PUBLICATIONS and CATFIGHT FILMS are committed to timely complaint resolution.

We permit the reporting of content that may be illegal or otherwise violates our content standards. We acknowledge that all such reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days of receipt. The process for review involves verifying all relevant complaint information. If the review outcome demonstrates that the content violates our standards, we’ll remove it immediately and provide with you with confirmation.

Any person depicted in the content on this website may submit a request to have said content removed should the outcome of the investigation determine that consent was not given or is void under applicable law. Should there be a disagreement regarding the complaint request and findings, we will allow such disagreements to be resolved by a neutral body.

When submitting a complaint for review, you must provide the following so we can address your concerns.

  • Identification of the content you are requesting to have removed (date you saw it, URL or file ID sufficient for us to find the content).
  • Clear information about the type of claim you're making.
  • Your complete contact information (name, physical and e-mail address, telephone number).
  • A good faith statement that the information in your complaint is accurate.
  • Your physical or electronic signature.
  • Please note: We may not review your complaint if you fail to provide the requested information above.